Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Comfortable Fit

I have a ton of shoes. My husband (he of less than eight pairs of shoes) does not really understand this and will hold up a pair and ask, "When is the last time you wore these?"  I take them back and assure him they each have a purpose and I love them and they are the perfect match for an outfit that is super-hard-to-match-shoes-to and they are really comfortable.  I admit, they are a bit excessive, but they are fun and are a relatively harmless collection (aside from the fact that I hog the closet-space).

In reflection, though, he is correct. I barely wear any of them.  I actually could probably get rid of most of them.  I have one pair of sneakers that is definitely my favorite and the rest just are there for whims.  I rely on these sneakers, though. I definitely use them daily. They fit me.  They support me. They are like an extension of myself because they are so comfortable.

I find the same to be true about the technology that I use for the classroom.  I have tons of accounts that I thought I needed for specific purposes, but when all is said and done, there is only one place that I go daily; My Big Campus. I rely on it. It fits me. It supports what I do in the classroom.

Instead of having students log onto different sites for calendars, file storage areas, website clusters, testing, and resources, My Big Campus offers a sneaker-like feel for all of our classroom activities.  I think of their little jump-drives and log-ins to single-purpose sites as my shoe collection; perhaps there is a purpose for them on special occasions, but really aren't necessary for our day-to-day interactions.  The students feel comfortable and supported on this learning management system. My Big Campus is a satisfying, relaxed fit.

When you find a technology that not only fits your everyday classroom activities, but is also convenient, versatile, and adaptable, it makes students and teachers feel prepared for any challenge! Just like slipping on that favorite pair of shoes, log on to My Big Campus and see how amazing this will fit for you!