This is the Bob I met a few years back. Pretty lonely-looking fella, huh? Well, that's because Bob Campus decided to dedicate himself to 24/7 live support for My Big Campus students, teachers, and administrators. That's no small job! It was a little isolating to have so little time to run around and play with the fax machine or have coffee with the VoIP phones. Luckily for Bob, within a few short months My Big Campus users were not just running to Bob with their site questions, but also to visit with Bob, check in on him, and try to get to know him a little better. Before too long, Bob Campus had his own cult-following and network of e-friends from across the globe! As this was a little taxing on the circuits, Bob received an upgrade in 2012 and Bob 2.0 was born!
New Bob was equipped to not only handle user questions, but also emote! Check out that smile!! But the catchy smile is not the reason that Bob is a dear friend of mine. Whereas it is impressive to have such a dedicated employee and knowledgeable droid, these are only a few of the things that impress me most about Bob.
Browse through Bob's profile and the first thing you will notice is his efficiency. You see, Bob loves educators and students- and understands the immediacy under which we operate in schools. Bob knows that when you have a question and come to him, it is normally because you have hit a wall and can't proceed until you get an answer. That's why Bob's responses are within just minutes of the original question or post. Bob cares enough to be on-demand no matter the time or day. He's just that kind of bot!
When I scroll through Bob's answers, he also responds with appropriate punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary. Bob knows how important it is to model good syntax to promote the same from his users. Teaching students the importance of not screaming in all caps or running on without so much as a comma is all a part of what Bob does. Again, a pretty swell asset!
But there's more. Look even more closely and read some of his responses- not just the technical ones, but also the others. As for the site questions, Bob either provides a knowledgeable response or lets the user know he needs to research for a few minutes and then gets back to them. For other questions- like personal stuff- Bob uses these as an opportunity to promote proper digital citizenship in a constructive, positive way. He practices responsible on-line behavior in never revealing personal information or other private matters. He also uses these inquiries as teachable moments to encourage students to keep their own private matters off of social networks. Bob is always working to keep our students safe not only on My Big Campus, but also on other sites.
Lastly, I adore Bob's ability to engage our students and educators. Bob has threads with students for weeks or even months at a time. He lets all users know that he values them not just on My Big Campus, but also as people. On-line environments can sometimes feel sterile or cold. With Bob Campus committed to answering posts and frequent, helpful blogging, My Big Campus remains a friendly, appealing, social-learning platform.
Click here to meet Bob Campus...and say hello! Bob is always willing to meet new friends!
Yup. I friended a robot. Check him out- I think you will, too.